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박테리아로 인한 질병


In this post, I write about diseases caused by bacteria in button mushrooms. The origin of many bacteria is the soil. Actually, most of the bacteria, both the beneficial ones and the ones that is pathogenic, are present in the casing soil. Most of the time, pathogenic bacteria cause a decrease in quality, but some types of them also decrease the quantity, and sometimes they can be very dangerous. The most famous type of bacteria that spreads quickly is the Blotch, Bacterial blotch or Brown blotch type of bacteria. This bacteria needs moisture to multiply and spread. A mistake in controlling the humidity and temperature in the production rooms can cause a disaster, and tomorrow you will face discolored, yellow and brown mushrooms on the bed. All this is because of a small mistake made by grower or disruption in the controlling system. If we understand that every bacterium doubles every 20 minutes, we will never take any risk about them. Experience has proven to me that high moisture is not only causes the spread of bacterial blotch, but the drop in the temperature of the compost after irrigation or during the harvesting period with constant humidity also plays a role in the spread of bacterial blotch. One day, a professor asked me, if you want to describe mushroom cultivation with one word, what would that word be? Evaporation!!! This was my answer. If evaporation is done correctly in production rooms, the risk of bacterial blotch outbreak will be minimized. Evaporation is a science and requires specialized investigation. However, there are two methods of evaporation in the mushroom growing stage. One is environmental evaporation and the other is the difference between room temperature and compost temperature, which is called compost activity. In active composts, the risk of bacterial blotch is reduced.

Among other types of diseases caused by bacteria, Mummy can reduce production and even reduce it to zero.
Pit is another type of bacterial disease, which in my opinion is more dangerous than bacterial spots. Needle spots and spots that multiply quickly.
Soft rot is also a kind of disease that is not very common and no damage has been reported so far, but the smell caused by it is harmful to humans.
Sometimes discoloration after harvest is caused by bacteria. Called per harvest browning.

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구덩이는 세균성 질병의 또 다른 유형으로, 제 생각에는 세균성 반점보다 더 위험합니다. 바늘 반점과 빠르게 증식하는 반점.
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